About Us


A bit about us

The GCTL works just like a book library, however as its inventory it contains tools of all kinds, plus a wide variety of other super useful household items.

We are a not-for-profit Incorporated Association and operated by a passionate and friendly bunch of volunteers. We invite you to join us, become a member and get involved.

Introducing your current management committee:  Oneike – Secretary, David – President and Susan – Treasurer.

Often described as a Library of Things

Tool libraries also lend camping gear, sporting equipment, gardening tools, musical instruments, craft and artist tools, surfboards and SUPs, outdoor games, event and party equipment and sewing machines. The list is endless and is guided by what the community would like to see, in their lending library.

Become a Member and Loan-Use-Return-Repeat.

Memberships are offered on a subscription bases and form an important source of the funds required to finance our operational expenses. Annual memberships are available to purchase online or at the shed for $75 per member, $50 for concession holders and $125 for fellow NFP’s and charity groups. Enabling access to all is part of our charter and we aim to achieve this through supported library memberships.

You may like to sign up to our newsletter so you are kept up to date on developments and events. We promise no spam, as we are all volunteers and nobody has time to write that many emails.

Who uses a tool library?

Well, pretty much anyone, however we have identified a few user groups.


Small footprint

Those who are actively choosing to minimise their purchases of items which are underutilised and reducing the associated carbon and environmental footprint. These people are usually early adopters and are enthusiastic members.


Short on space

Apartment dwellers generally have little storage space and no room for clutter. They still have a need to do repair jobs around the house, or want to have use of those bulkier items. We do all the storing, you just come and borrow the gear when you need it.


Finances are tight

There are those in our society who simply cannot afford to purchase all the items that they would like to use. Instead, for the minimal cost of a library membership, you can have access to a wide variety of items all year round. We call it access rather than ownership.

In other global locations, tool libraries have had a hugely positive impact on the communities in which they operate. People donate tools and equipment, giving new life to items that might otherwise end up in landfill. They share their skills, knowledge and culture, they make new friends and develop a support network all whilst giving back to their locally community. Through collaborative consumption, the Gold Coast can reduce its carbon footprint by embracing a circular and sharing economy.

Impact Report

We are proud to present the Gold Coast Tool Library 2023 Impact Report. This report covers the period from inception through to half way through our third year of operation. Have a read here.

Some key points from the report.

  • Our members have saved $84,791 by borrowing rather than buying.
  • 1.34 tonnes saved from landfill through items being donated to the library inventory and repaired at Repair Cafe events.
  • 63% of members said the GCTL allowed them to learn a new skill.
  • 52% of members borrow items at least once per month.
  • 3134 volunteer hours freely given to the community.

“I came for the tools and stayed for the people” – Tool Library Volunteer



Aligning with the SDG’s

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are 17 SDG’s adopted by 193 of the worlds countries to promote prosperity and equality for all, whilst protecting the planet. At the GCTL we embrace them all and align most specifically with SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production as well as SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.

SDG icon grid

What else could we create?

The most successful tool libraries do more than just lend items, they also create a strong sense of community within their members and visitors.



Our longer term goal is to establish a well equipped makerspace to inspire the creator in us all. If you or your group are considering a similar endeavour, reach out and say hi and let’s collaborate. 


GC UnRubbish

Waste diversion and re-use for Upcyclers and creative souls. Similar in concept to the very popular and long running Reverse Garbage in Brisbane. 



A workbench and tools to rent by the hour for DIY. Not everyone has a space at home to make repairs or work on a project. Kind of like a co-working space hot desk for your creative projects.


NDIS Collaboration

Skill training and potential future employment opportunities for disadvantaged members within our community.

QSEC 2021 membership badge

Gold Coast Tool Library Inc. became an Incorporated Association in November 2019. IA59151.

ABN 21 771 180 524.

You can view our full constitution here.

QSEC 2021 membership badge

Tool Libraries around Australia


If you are looking for a Tool Library or Library of Things outside of the Gold Coast region, you can find a listing of Tool Libraries around the country on the Australia Library of Things Network website here.

Click on the image to find a library near you on the map.